Monday, January 13, 2025
The indices are broadcast in real time.
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SPT (Société de Participation dans les Télécommunications) | 53,00 % |
Etat | 22,00 % |
RCAR | 5,32 % |
Itissalat Al Maghrib | 0,04 % |
Total | 100,00 % |
Company information
Corporate address | Avenue Annakhil. Hay Riad. Rabat |
External auditors | Cabinet Deloitte Audit / Cabinet BDO Audit, Tax & Advisory |
Date of creation | 03/02/1998 |
Date of IPO | 13/12/2004 |
Length of fiscal year | 12 |
Social object | The Company's corporate purpose. in accordance with its contract specifications as an operator and pursuant to the article 2 of its statutory and regulatory rules in force. is: o to provide all electronic communication services for domestic and international relations; o in particular. to provide universal telecommunications services; o to establish. develop and operate all electronic communications networks available to the public that are required to provide these services and ensure their interconnection with other networks available to domestic and international users; o to provide all other services. facilities. terminals. electronic communication networks and establish and operate all networks that distribute audiovisual services. including audio. television and multimedia broadcasting; For the purposes of the activities so defined. it may: o create. purchase. own and operate any real or personal property or business necessary or appropriate for its operations. notably any property whose transfer or availability is specifically authorized by legislation; o market and. to a lesser extent. assemble and manufacture any telecommunications products or devices; o create. purchase. license and apply or sell any patents. processes or trade names; o take part in any financial consortium. business concern or company that currently exists or is being created. having a purpose similar or related to its own. by any lawful means; o and more generally. carry out any commercial. financial or even industrial transactions relating to real or personal property that could be related. directly or indirectly. wholly or partially. to any part of the Company's corporate purpose and that could advance its growth and development. The above extension of the Company's corporate purpose is subjected to the approval of the new bylaws by the combined General Shareholders' Meeting of April 23. 2009. |
Key figures (1)
2023 | 2022 | 2021 | |
Consolidated accounts | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Share capital | 5 274 572 040,00 | 5 274 572 040,00 | 5 274 572 040,00 |
Equity | 21 004 000 000,00 | 18 002 000 000,00 | 18 800 000 000,00 |
Number of titles(2) | 879 095 340 | 879 095 340 | 879 095 340 |
Sales figures | 36 786 000 000,00 | 35 731 000 000,00 | 35 790 000 000,00 |
Operating result | 11 605 000 000,00 | 8 987 000 000,00 | 11 573 000 000,00 |
Net income (4) | 5 283 000 000,00 | 2 750 000 000,00 | 6 008 000 000,00 |
At the end of the financial year.
All lines of action combined.
(3) Equity of the consolidated group for companies publishing consolidated accounts
Net income Group share for companies publishing consolidated accounts.
Ratios | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 |
BPA | 6,01 | 3,13 | 6,83 |
ROE (in %) | 25,15 | 15,28 | 31,96 |
Payout (in %) | 69,89 | 70,01 | 69,94 |
Dividend yield (in %) | 4,20 | 2,31 | 5,03 |
PER | 16,64 | 30,37 | 13,90 |
PBR | 4,19 | 4,64 | 4,44 |
Investor Relations - Contacts
(212) 537 28 50 84
(212) 537 71 69 69
Corporate Website
Capital increase
Bond issue
Tuesday, January 14, 2025 12:16:39