
CGEM and Bourse de Casablanca, with the support of AMMC, join forces on a new roadmap for stock market development

La CGEM et la Bourse de Casablanca, avec le soutien de l’AMMC, s’allient autour d’une nouvelle feuille de route pour le développement du marché boursier

Press release


CGEM and Bourse de Casablanca, with the support of AMMC, join forces on a new roadmap for stock market development

Mr. Chakib ALJ, President of the Confédération Générale des Entreprises du Maroc (CGEM), Mrs. Nezha HAYAT, President of the Autorité Marocaine du Marché des Capitaux (AMMC), Mr. Kamal MOKDAD, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Bourse de Casablanca and Mr. Tarik SENHAJI, CEO of Bourse de Casablanca, validated a joint roadmap for revitalizing the stock market on November 28, in the presence of Mohamed HORANI, Chairman of the Moroccan Association of Publicly Traded Companies (APE). 

This roadmap, the fruit of a consultative and federative approach by the ecosystem linked to companies and their financing (APE Association, APSB, ASFIM, AMIC and financial advisors) is structured around 4 major development pillars.

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